Welcome to the EFQM AssessBase

The AssessBase is a unique assessment platform to support your organisation in its journey towards outstanding performance, cultural change and transformation.

Start a new assessment


A “light touch” assessment, using a simple questionnaire, to help “curious/less mature” organisations identify their current position and determine potential improvement opportunities.

Business Matrix

This tool provides a more rigorous assessment referenced against all Criterion of the EFQM Model and provides a score on the RADAR elements. Using this tool, organisations can generate a more detailed understanding of their performance.

Business Matrix Advanced

This tool provides a complete assessment against all Criterion-parts of the EFQM Model, the associated Guidance Points and score on the full RADAR Attributes. Using this tool, organisations can generate a detailed baseline on their performance and identify where they currently excel and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Start a new lens


topical lens

How well has your organisation been positioned to manage disruption and major change? How effectively Is your organisation and its leadership managing today in these times of disruption? Check it out through this simple questionnaire.


topical lens

In the face of massive disruption, Innovation has never been more important. Our methods and technology allow you to assess your organisation’s ability to create the right innovation culture but also to drive results.

for Innovation

Diagnostic Tool

for Innovation


topical lens

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. EFQM recognises the role that organisations can play in supporting these Goals and associated Targets.

for UN-SDGs

Diagnostic Tool

for UN-SDGs


Hamdam foundation

Education is the key to achieve better future and schools are expected to deliver outstanding results. These tools will help you measure the current school performance, and provide you insights to improve and achieve better results.

for Education

Diagnostic Tool

for Education

Circular Economy

topical lens

A “light touch” assessment, using a simple questionnaire, to help “curious/less mature” organisations identify their current position and determine potential improvement opportunities.

for Circular Economy

Diagnostic Tool

for Circular Economy

Get in touch

Avenue des Olympiades 2
5th Floor
B - 1140 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +322 755 3511

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